Life as a Juggling Woman
When we moved 6000 miles away from our family 22 years ago, I certainly never imagined that I would be working in the business that my grandfather founded a long time ago when... there was no Web, no minimal expense worldwide telephone utility, no email, and no advanced photography. My kids are grown now, and in theory, I could leave home and look for a job outside, but I've decided not to take that route now. This decision is like a calculation.
Throughout my family's childhood and teenage years, I solved the "where the first problem" by working from home. My hard-earned M.Sc. My degree in Human Resource Administration was canceled - although I'd like to think I applied some key principles to our internal human resource running. As a fluent English speaker in a foreign country, equipped with state-of-the-art computer equipment in my own home when computers were still relatively new in the office, I opened an English-language word processing business in the corner of my living room.