Tuesday, September 24, 2024

women's suffrage movement

 women's suffrage movement

The women's suffrage movement began with passion and determination on both sides of the Atlantic. This revolution was a descendant of the Enlightenment ideas given by the philosophers in the Age of Reason. The concept of the suffrage movement was founded on the idea that all men are created equal and are born with natural rights that they have duties and responsibilities. The women's rights movement was a struggle as it was opposed by those in power, but the movement was ultimately victorious as men and women fought devoutly for their beliefs. That fight for the vote now allowed women to freely exercise basic rights. It took over a hundred years for it to be implemented, starting with the time of Mary Wollstonecraft and the Marquis de Condorcet. The law now allows women to exercise the rights and responsibilities that come with citizenship.

The women's suffrage movement became a struggle because of the public, who opposed the idea that women had a duty to stand up for their natural birthright. The movement invoked principles of equality, liberty and political justice, and these ideas were not suited to those in power in a divided society. It was the proletariat who supported women's rights, but the elite, the rich and the powerful were afraid to change a system that worked to their advantage. Socialist and feminist ideas were not attractive to people in parliament or government. Henry James, a British statesman gave a speech in the House of Commons in 1871, giving reasons for the neglect and neglect of social equality in the affairs of state. She also cautioned House about the injustices being meted out to the opposite sex, "...should women be judged on the basis of secondhand information, and not actual experience?"



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Henry James says that women do not have better experience in forming opinions and decisions about political matters. James is part of a political system that gives him the power and authority to speak to a group of prominent men and exert considerable influence over them. Socialist visions of equality may not play well with men who seek to achieve higher social status in a community. A year before this speech, in 1870, Dr. Richard Pankhurst, husband of Emmeline Pankhurst (a woman who was the driving force behind suffrage), drafted the first bill to give women the right to vote, known as woman suffrage. is known in The Repeal Bill which was later introduced in the House of Commons. This proves that the ideas of Henry James were slowly beginning to die out as men and women were on their way to convincing the government that women needed their natural rights. This can be compared to the Industrial Revolution and the domination of factory owners over their workers. Just as the people in Parliament did not want to believe that their power could be equal to that of a woman, the factory owners did not want to give up their power over their workers.



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Francesco Crispi, a liberal Italian politician, believed that women should have no role in the political system created by the government. Women are made for the good of men. Crispi considered women to be peacemakers designed to calm a man down after a tiring and laborious day. In 1883, in the Italian Senate, Crispi officially declared "... the day women take part in public business, you will find war." He believed that the suffrage movement would create social and political disorder in the society which would lead to universal inequality. He is considered a liberal but his views reflect conservative and traditional thinking. This "liberal" Italian politician is ignorant of enlightened thought and takes a step back from his ideals. The French philosopher Condorcet said, "Have they not all violated the principle of equality of rights in peace by excluding women from the right of citizenship and depriving half of mankind of the right to participate in law-making" Francesco Crispi, known as the forerunner of Benito Mussolini, the future Prime Minister of Italy, was against women's rights. 

Crispi is also speaking to the Italian Senate and wants to appeal to them, and so directs his thoughts to the men commanding the government, such as Henry James. Many Italian men may be against the idea of social equality of both sexes. If involved in government, male authoritarians ensure that women can neglect their domestic duties and that the peace they create for the benefit and enjoyment of men will slowly erode away.

Henry James and Francesco Crispi share a similar view of Count Reventolo. Count Reventlow, a Nazi politician advocating resistance to the emancipation of women



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Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of a Congressional amendment to the Constitution.
Who started the women's rights movement and why?
The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) was formed in May 1869 by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony - they opposed the 15th Amendment because it excluded women.


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